Be a part of the Two Brothas Movement. Visit our online store!

do not miss the magic.

Our Two Brothas Counseling Online Store is your one stop shop for registering for workshops, purchasing t-shirts, and donating to our Two Brothas Counseling James H. Vann, Jr. Southside Clinic in Milledgeville, Georgia.

featured item!

Our featured item for January is the official “I’m Going to Love the Hell Out of You to Keep the Hell Out of Me” t-shirt. Based on our inaugural workshop “How to Love the Hell Out of Them to Keep the Hell Out of You: Using Metaphor and Humor to Deal with the Difficult People in Your Life.” The proceeds from these t-shirt go to fund our therapy scholarship fund. T-shirts are $35. For every 2 shirts sold, we are able to provide 1 hour of therapy to an individual, couple, or family.

How to Love the hell out of them to keep the hell out you: using metaphor and humor to deal with the difficult people in your life

If you missed the first workshop of 2022 at Two Brothas Counseling at the Utah Center for Connection, you can still experience the magic! Join our Founder and Clinical Director, Tekulve Jackson-Vann, as he shares valuable insights based on a conversation with his father regarding improving our ability to manage difficult interpersonal interactions and relationship. The on-demand recording is now available for purchase for $30. You want to make sure to a copy for you and one for a friend!

"One of the ways that we prepare to reauthor our narratives is by learning to separate who we are from the problems we’re facing. We relocate our problems from within ourselves so that we can see them for what they are and more accurately assess and access our resources to solve them effectively.”

— Jay Tekulvē Jackson-Vann, LMFT